We're living in the age of communication
Where the only voices heard have money in their hands
Where greed has become a sophistication
And if you ain't got money
You ain't got nothin' in this land
An' here I am one lonely woman
On these mean streets
Where the right to life man has become my enemy
-- Nanci Griffith, Time of Inconvenience (1994)
I've been listening to Nanci Griffith a lot in the past few weeks. I find her thirty year old songs have a very current resonance (or maybe I'm just old).
After returning to the blog this summer I thought I was back on the wagon...but I couldn't write anything in November, I just didn't have it in me. The election was devasting - both nationally, and here in Texas. I'm still trying to figure out in what world Ted Cruz beats in Colin Allred...apparently, the one we live in.
The earrings that were my first project last year |
I had a lot more hope this time last year than I do right now, but I'm trying to be optimistic...and part of that includes looking back on the really good things that happened for me in 2024.
January I went back to jewelry classes at ACC - and it was amazing. I knew I had missed being creative, I just didn't know how much. It was wonderful to work in a community setting, to see old friends and make new ones, and to be actively engaged in learning. I can't wait to start again in in a few weeks - I'll be taking metal engraving for the first semester of 2025.
In February we went to DC to spend time with friends and family - a trip we make every year to celebrate the birthday of my favorite (and only) great niece - we're already booked for the weekend of her party in a couple of months, she'll be 6.
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With Mary and Mrs. K |
It's always a jam packed few days - this past year we were able to squeeze in a visit with one of my best childhood friends and her mom. I'm so glad we did - it turned out to be my last visit with Mrs. K - in the home where I spent so much time, and have so many wonderful memories.
March marked a full year since my
gallbladder surgery. I have made a complete recovery - something that would not have been possible without so much support from the people around me - my wonderful family, incredible medical staff and my friends.
One of those friends in particular, Abby, was there for pretty much the whole gallbladder saga. She comes to Austin every March for SXSW, and I had just seen her in 2023 before I ended up in the hospital.
I couldn't exercise - even gentle yoga - for quite some time after the surgery; but in lieu of our usual practice Abby helped me with guided meditation through my convalescence. This year there were no surprises - before or after her trip to Austin - and we were able to see each other twice during her brief stay. Bonus - she was back for a quick visit and we attended an amazing yoga workshop together just a couple of weeks ago.
Things are always busy around here in the spring, but this year saw a massive influx of visitors in
April because Central Texas was in the path of totality for the solar eclipse.
While people came in from all over the world - including a childhood friend of mine who now lives in Amsterdam (it was really fun to see her) - we opted to watch from the end of our driveway.
The absolute peak of our year came in May.
Dr. Hood, and her very proud parents |
There is nothing like the joy and pride that comes with watching someone you love achieve their goals...especially if that someone is your child.
In May, our daughter graduated from UC Berkeley with her PhD in molecular and cell biology. Not only were we there, but her village showed up for her. We were joined by family and friends from near and far to watch her receive her hood - my only regret is that my parents, especially my father - couldn't be there with us.
While graduation was the highlight of the week, we did some fun tourist things, too. The weather was beautiful, we visited both the University of California and City of Berkeley botanical gardens (if you've been here a minute you know I love flowers as much as jewelry).
We laughed, we cried (well, I did) and we ate wonderful food. Like her
brother's wedding a couple of years ago, it filled my heart. She got a ring, too - but I didn't make it. Cal's colors are blue and gold so we gave her a beautiful sapphire from my dear friend Zanny Cox.
Simple round link chain |
Making chain was a new skill for me. I had made a simple link chain with various sized jump rings during my first semester, and enjoyed the process.
I'd been looking at vintage trombone chains for some time, but hadn't seen what I wanted at a price I was willing to pay, so I asked my
friend and teacher De if I could focus on that during our short semester.
Trombone chain and t-bar |
Her response was both positive and enthusiastic - and my idea lined up well with a class project. The first thing she suggested was that I prototype the idea in copper - so that I could work through the design and to determine how much metal, especially gold, I would need to order.
I learned so much making this piece, and it has become a staple in my jewelry wardrobe. If you follow me on
Instagram, you'll see this chain showing up regularly - sometimes on it's own, or with the t-bar or charms attached.
Not quite as big an accomplishment as a PhD, but I'm pretty proud of the metalsmithing I did.
Navajo pearls from Santa Fe |
In August my husband and I did something that we had not done in a very, very long time...we took a vacation by ourselves...not a family trip, not an add on to someplace one of us was going already. A real vacation, and we had so much fun just the two of us that we're going to do it again in 2025!
We drove to
Santa Fe and had a wonderful week - just being together and enjoying everything! The skies and scenery were amazing. The museums - incredible - so was the food, the art and of course, the jewelry. I came home with some lovely souvenirs.
Twisting steel to make a tool |
In September - for the first time in more than 30 years - I was the only one in the family going back to school. Our daughter, PhD in hand, started a postdoc position...and I was signed up to learn a completely new skill - stone setting. It was a great class - not only was a going to learn new jewelry skills, but I had the opportunity to make my own steel setting tool.
I had fun and it made me a better jeweler - but the most important thing I learned is if I want something set with small stones, I will pay someone else to do it.
At Wellfleet Oysterfest |
The calendar may have said fall, but the temperatures continued to say SUMMER into October. Fortunately, I was able to escape to Cape Cod with my girlfriends. The weather was gorgeous and the company - well - these women have been my friends for the better part of 50 years, and they are my ride or die.
I know from people I talk to that our friendship is a rare and beautiful thing.
We grew up together - then for the better part of 30 years we were scattered - only seeing each other occasionally, and rarely all together. Late in 2021, as we were able to get vaccinated and beginning to come out of our Covid holes,
we reconnected as a group...it was though all that time just evaporated...and we've been getting the band back together once a year ever since.
in the sound booth |
As I did with the blog, I'm just gonna skip November...
Despite no longer having a dancer in the house, it's not
December without Nutcracker. Once again I had the pleasure of visiting the
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired as a docent for Ballet Austin, and then being in the sound booth to do the descriptive narration when the students attended the performance.
It always brings me joy to end the year with my Ballet Austin family. I started as a docent more than 20 years ago, and I love being a part of the production even though I'm no longer a Nutcracker parent.
I've never been more grateful for "my people" than I am today. If you are reading this, you are a part of that community (pretty sure the only folks who read my blog see the notices on Instagram or Facebook) - and I am glad that you are here.
I have no doubt that the next four years are going to be difficult - but we will get through them the same way we did before - by showing up with and for each other.
Until next time.